DeepSeek Coder v2 Lite with tools

Tools 16B

59 Pulls Updated 2 weeks ago

3a3abb0af792 · 803B
{{ if .System }}System: {{ .System }} {{ end }}{{ if .Tools }}Available tools: {{ range .Tools }} {{ . }} {{ end }} When using a tool, you MUST respond with a JSON object in this format without any additional text: {"name": "tool_name", "arguments": {"arg1": "value1", "arg2": "value2"}} {{ end }}{{ range .Messages }}{{ if eq .Role "user" }}User: {{ .Content }} {{ else if eq .Role "assistant" }}Assistant: {{ if .ToolCalls }}{{ range .ToolCalls }}{"name": "{{ .Function.Name }}", "arguments": {{ .Function.Arguments }}} {{ end }}{{ else }}{{ .Content }}{{ end }}<|end▁of▁sentence|> {{ else if eq .Role "tool" }}Tool output: {{ .Content }} {{ end }}{{ end }}{{ if not .Messages }}{{ if .Prompt }}User: {{ .Prompt }} {{ end }}Assistant: {{ .Response }}<|end▁of▁sentence|>{{ end }}